We build the best — in each project, we turn into reality our investors’ dreams.

RIEL Real Estate Corporation has been operating since 2003. For 21 years in the real estate market of Ukraine, we have proven to be a reliable partner.

Our mission is to create a comfortable space honestly, reliably and decently for everyone to live and do business.

Our vision is to become the most recognizable, reliable and innovative brand in our host cities.

Our principle is customer focus, commitment to trustworthy and stable relations between the investor and developers.

During the period of its existence, the company has grown into a leader in the real estate market of Lviv, and since 2013, has once again proved its professionalism and reliability in Kyiv.

RIEL Real Estate Corporation is

mln sq.m of already completed and new projects


years in the residential real estate market


facilities commissioned in Lviv and Kyiv


Today, thanks to the RIEL Real Estate Corporation, more than 500,000 square meters have become home for both Ukrainians and foreigners. This is over 65 commissioned facilities. There are more than 900 thousand square meters in our sales portfolio waiting for their new owners.


2023 was a year of significant achievements and development for us. We commissioned 15 new facilities in Lviv and Kyiv and started construction of new projects. 1,120 families moved into their apartments from RIEL. 2023 became a symbol of rebirth and new achievements.

The most difficult year in our history. However, we endured, continued to move forward, restarted all construction sites in two cities and have achievements - six objects that have been put into operation! In addition, RIEL worked on the charity front, supported defenders and strengthened the defense of Kyiv and Lviv. 

Download annual report 2022

RIEL turned 18 years old. Six commissioned facilities. Start of new projects. Stable high demand for our real estate, recognition of new buildings from RIEL by specialized publications, high ranks in TOP real estate ratings. Awards at architectural and web and mobile application competitions. 2021 is a year of growth and development.

Download annual report 2021

We successfully passed quarantine and lockdown tests – we did not stop working for a day. We launched a unique real estate marketplace. We were the first in Ukraine to sell an apartment online with the help of an electronic digital signature. We launched an ambitious Nordica Residence residential complex project.

Download annual report 2020

We began the construction of 4 residential complexes and were recognized the winner of the “Ukrainian National Olympus” prize in the nomination "Leader of the housing market of Lviv".
RC "Novyi Fort", part of "Mistechko Pidzamche", was the first in the nomination "City Planning" at the “Ukrainian Urban Awards” competition.

In honor of the 15th anniversary of RIEL, the President of the Corporation conquered Kilimanjaro. 5 residential complexes in Lviv and 2 stages of “Lvivskyi Kvatral” residential complex in Kyiv were put into operation. Construction of 3 new RCs has started – “Ok'Land” in Kyiv and “Riel City” and “Holoski Kruchi” in Lviv.

We completed and commissioned 4 residential complexes in Lviv and the local Kyiv RC “ELYSEUM”. The total area is 49,472 sq.m. Construction of new housing estates in Lviv has started – “Manhattan”, “Companion” and “Yaroslavenko”. We held a Forum of Developers of Western Ukraine together with the Association of Western Ukrainian Developers.

We had the honour to represent Lviv at “MIRIM 2016” investment forum that took place in Cannes. 22,612 sq.m of housing was commissioned in Lviv. At the same time, the construction of RCs “Velyka Brytaniia” and “Sherlock Holmes” began. In Kyiv, the construction of RC "Lvivskyi Kvatral" began at Hlybochytska Street, 13.

We created the RIEL Repair Studio, the “RIEL-Service” operating company and held “Prosto Neba” architectural festival in Lviv. 

We became the winner of the All-Ukrainian professional award "Ukrainian Construction Olympus" in the nomination "Leading Developer". 7 RCs in Lviv were commissioned.

The 2nd stage of “Kniazhyi” residential complex with a total area of ​​5,654 sq.m and the 1st stage of RC “Panorama” with a total area of ​​9,344 sq.m have been completed and commissioned. We also completed the houses at Pohulianka Street, 6 and Okruzhna Street, 96. Construction of a new RC "Mone" at Zamarstynivska Street, 233, was launched.

This year RIEL is 10 years old! We decided to celebrate with our entry into Kyiv real estate market, starting the construction of the first RC in Kyiv – “ELYSEUM”. Meanwhile, in Lviv, the 1st stage of “Kniazhyi” RC and a residential building at Lychakivska Street, 104 were commissioned. Construction of RC “Renoir” has also begun.

We completed and commissioned a residential building with a total area of ​​3,508 sq.m at Buchma Street, 22. Construction of several new facilities has begun – RC "Rafael" at Ilmova Street, 11, RC "Marco Polo" at Nazaruk Street, 1 and RC "Van Gogh" at Kulparkivska Street, 99 ‘b’.

We have moved to the level of construction of residential complexes — Lviv famous RC "Kniazhyi", Kniaz Svyatoslav Street, 5; RC "Panorama", Lysynetska Street, 19; RC “Andy Warhol”, Torfiana Street, 21; RC “Edgar Dega”, Stepanivna Street, 8. We also continue the construction of a business class residential building at Buchma Street, 22.

The comfort-class house with a total area of ​​3,345 sq.m at Muchna Street, 23 was completed and commissioned, as well as a house with a total area of ​​2,279 sq.m at Okruzhna Street, 94 ‘a’. Started construction of new facilities - at Buchma Street, 22, Lychakivska Street, 104, Pohulianka Street, 6, and Okruzhna Street, 96.

In 5 years, we have built 7,000 sq.m of housing. This year we completed and commissioned a house with an area of ​​6,286 sq.m at Pohulianka Street, 8. We used to complete the unfinished constructions of other developers so far, and now we have built and commissioned our own facility, with an area of ​​11,837 sq.m at Vernadsky Street, 42.

Despite the economic crisis, put into operation about 4,000 sq.m of real estate – it's about two houses at Chuvanska Street, 29, and at Raiduzhna Street, 17 ‘b’. 

At the same time, construction of new residential buildings at Muchna Street, 23 and Okruzhna Street, 94 ‘a’ began.

We go on working on two cosy houses of business class at Chuvanska Street, 29 and Raiduzhna Street, 17 ‘b’ in Lviv. 

Construction of new facilities has begun - two residential buildings at Pohulianka Street, 8 and Vernadskyi Street, 42.

A business-class residential building with a total area of 1,212 sq.m at Karpynets Street, 8 was completed and commissioned. 

Construction of a new facility has begun - a residential building at Raiduzhna Street, 17 ‘b’.

We picked up such pace so that each year we could complete one of the facilities and start a new one. Thus, a business-class residential building with a total area of ​​2,126 sq.m at Chuprynka Street, 119 was completed and commissioned. 

Construction of a new facility began - a residential building at Chuvanska Street, 29

We also completed construction of unfinished residential buildings of other developers. 

Construction work began at Chuprynka Street, 119, and Karpynets Street, 8 in Lviv.

RIEL Real Estate Corporation was founded in Lviv; its founder and president is Lviv businessman Rostyslav Melnyk. 

Our first projects were small residential buildings in Lviv, which we undertook to complete after other developers.

We understand and take into account all the needs of the investor

That is why the company offers its clients only the best facilities with a guarantee of completion and commissioning.

RIEL Real Estate Corporation not only sells square meters, but is also the construction investor as its clients. That is why RIEL Real Estate Corporation has exclusive rights to sell a lot of facilities.

More details
Zoriana Yukhyma
Zoriana Yukhyma
RIEL sales offices coordinator | Kyiv
Більше 10 років працює у сфері нерухомості. Має досвід роботи консультантом з нерухомості у Львові та координатором відділів продажів у Києві. Зараз займається розвитком партнерської програми - співпрацею із ріелторами та агенціями нерухомості.
Rostyslav Melnyk
Rostyslav Melnyk
General manager of the RIEL Real Estate Corporation
More details
Founder of the Rostyslav Melnyk Charitable Foundation, well-known philanthropist, founder of the “Modrychi’ Rehabilitation Centre, President of Lviv Region Tennis Federation, member of the Ukrainian Tennis Club Supervisory Board.
Oleksii Kulyk
Oleksii Kulyk
Marketing director of the RIEL Real Estate Corporation
Area of responsibility: development and implementation of marketing strategy and market positioning of the company; creation and development of brands. Besides that, he is engaged in market research, branding, communication with large corporate clients and digital marketing.
Alla Chipak
Alla Chipak
RIEL sales offices coordinator | Lviv
Has been with RIEL Real Estate Corporation since 2016. In 2018, she received a Master degree in Banking Business Management. In Corporation, she held the positions of sales manager and consultant in the Kyiv sales department. She has attended numerous trainings.
Zoriana Yukhyma
Zoriana Yukhyma
RIEL sales offices coordinator | Kyiv
Більше 10 років працює у сфері нерухомості. Має досвід роботи консультантом з нерухомості у Львові та координатором відділів продажів у Києві. Зараз займається розвитком партнерської програми - співпрацею із ріелторами та агенціями нерухомості.
Rostyslav Melnyk
Rostyslav Melnyk
General manager of the RIEL Real Estate Corporation
More details
Founder of the Rostyslav Melnyk Charitable Foundation, well-known philanthropist, founder of the “Modrychi’ Rehabilitation Centre, President of Lviv Region Tennis Federation, member of the Ukrainian Tennis Club Supervisory Board.
Association logo

The company participates in many charitable projects and, among other things, is a member of the Association of Western Ukrainian Developers.

The activities of RIEL Real Estate Corporation have been repeatedly awarded and appreciated. Although our main value is the trust of our returning customers.

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